Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letter of concern

210 Caring mom Drive

Sports town British Columbia

Canada V0A 1H2

Mr.Kleats, sports town British Columbia

central high school
123 main street

Dear Mr.Kleats, this is Mrs.Caughlin, I have a daughter that is part of your sports team.
I attend her games often and find that she is placed on the bench for nearly every game. Kayla is very fond of the sport so I would appreciate it if you could incorporate her into it more. There has also been a number of occasions that Kayla has come home crying, she is a strong child, and I hate to see it. May I suggest that you rafrain from using profanities? She is at a delicate age, yelling can cause alot of stress for such a young girl.
I also noted that before a big game, she appears very uneasy. I have stated before that I attend her games, you put alot of emphasis in winning. I agree with you on that aspect, children like to see an accomplishment through their efforts, winning can be essetial. Would you agree that a player would play a better game if they weren't nervous or shaken? I think the nervousness may come from a fear of loosing. Maybe if you encourage them before the game the nervousness would decline?
I also wanted to mention that my husband works, so looking after the children falls to me, I have two young girls and I can tell you, it is no picnic. I would imagine that you have work beside coaching, and you look after 10x the amount of girls I do, what I do with my busy day, is use a planner. I used to find myself late on many occasions, such as yourself. After writing in my planner I found I was on time for everything! I could give you one if you'd like, i'm sure it would relieve some of the stress from your life, and maybe help you organize the team easier. Kids sure can be a handful.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter, please get back to me as soon as you can.
Yours truly, Mrs.Caughlin.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort on your blogs. Lots of detail. All assignments complete. Writing is quite polished. Good luck on the final exam!
